部專任教師:關則富 老師


關 則 富
Tse-fu Kuan



● 學、經歷 :

英國牛津大學東方研究 博士

● 研究專長 :


● 授課領域 :


● 電話 : (03) 463-8800 ext. 2140

● 研究室 :3706

● Email :  tkuan@saturn.yzu.edu.tw



  1. 關則富(2024.12)《巴利語佛經譯注:增支部(二)》。台北:藏典出版社有限公司。
  2. 關則富(2016.11)《巴利語佛經譯注:增支部(一)》。台北:聯經出版事業公司。
  3. Tse-fu Kuan (2008.01) Mindfulness in Early Buddhism: New Approaches through Psychology and Textual Analysis of Pali, Chinese and Sanskrit Sources. London and New York: Routledge.


  1. Tse-fu Kuan (2023.08) “Is All Due to Karma? The Buddha’s Stance.” Philosophy East and West, volume 73, number 3, pp. 653–676. (A&HCI)
  2. Tse-fu Kuan (2022.10) “From Joseph to Aṅgulimāla: A Buddhist Story with a Biblical Motif.” Archiv orientální, volume 90, number 2, pp. 275–308. (A&HCI)
  3. Tse-fu Kuan (2021.09) “Compassion and Merit in Early Buddhism with the Focus on the Aṅguttara Nikāya and the Ekottarika Āgama.” Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, number 21 (2020), pp. 53–82.
  4. Tse-fu Kuan (2021.02) “Moggallāna’s Journey to Another Buddha-field: How a Mahāyāna Narrative Crept into the Ekottarika Āgama (T 125).” Religions of South Asia, volume 13, number 1 (2019), pp. 24–50. (ESCI)
  5. Tse-fu Kuan (2020.06) “Conscious of Everything or Consciousness Without Objects? A Paradox of Nirvana.” Journal of Indian Philosophy, volume 48, issue 3, pp. 329–351. (A&HCI)
  6. Tse-fu Kuan and Roderick S. Bucknell (2019.12) “The Structure and Formation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya and the Ekottarika Āgama.” Buddhist Studies Review, volume 36, number 2, pp. 141–166. (A&HCI)
  7. Tse-fu Kuan (2019.03) “Some Reflections on Translating the Pali Texts: Literary Conventions, Buddhist Thought, Cultural Background and Textual History.” Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, volume 72, number 1, pp. 1–23.  (A&HCI)
  8. Tse-fu Kuan (2018.12) “Equal-headed (samasīsin): An Abhidharma Innovation and Commentarial Developments.Buddhist Studies Review, volume 35, number 1-2, pp. 135–160.  (A&HCI)
  9. 關則富 (2018.06) 〈以古鑑今論臺灣當代佛教與基督宗教:從一門通識課作業談起〉。《臺灣宗教研究》第17卷第1期,頁1–50。 (THCI)
  10. 關則富 (2017.12) 〈從經到論:管窺印度佛教文獻史上的重大變遷〉。《成大歷史學報》第53號,頁135–177。 (THCI)
  11. Tse-fu Kuan (2017. 06) “Review of Antonello Palumbo, An Early Chinese Commentary on the Ekottarika-āgama: The Fenbie gongde lun 分別功德論 and the History of the Translation of the Zengyi ahan jing 增一阿含經.” Journal of the American Oriental Society, volume 137, number 2, pp. 444–448. (A&HCI)
  12. Tse-fu Kuan (2015.10) “Tradition and Adaptation: Translating Indic Buddhist Texts into Modern Chinese.” Archiv Orientální, volume 83, number 2, pp. 281–316. (A&HCI)
  13. Tse-fu Kuan (2015.03) “Abhidhamma Interpretations of ‘Persons’ (puggala): with Particular Reference to the Aṅguttara Nikāya.” Journal of Indian Philosophy, volume 43, issue 1, pp. 31–60. (A&HCI)
  14. Tse-fu Kuan (2013.12) “Legends and Transcendence: Sectarian Affiliations of the Ekottarika Āgama in Chinese Translation.” Journal of the American Oriental Society, volume 133, number 4, pp. 607–634. (A&HCI) 
  15. Tse-fu Kuan (2013.10) “The Sautrāntika Theories of Life-Continuum in Light of Karma.” Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, number 14, pp. 49–75.
  16. Tse-fu Kuan (2013.02) “The Pavāraṇā Sutta and ‘liberation in both ways’ as against ‘liberation by wisdom’.” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, volume 76, issue 1, pp. 49–73. (A&HCI)
  17. Tse-fu Kuan (2012.05) “Cognitive Operations in Buddhist Meditation: Interface with Western Psychology.” Contemporary Buddhism, volume 13, number 1, pp. 35–60. (A&HCI)
  18. Tse-fu Kuan (2012.05) “A Geographical Perspective on Sectarian Affiliations of the Ekottarika Āgama in Chinese Translation (T 125).” Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies, volume 2, pp. 179–208.
  19. 關則富 (2010.02) 〈注意力在認知歷程的作用──佛教與心理學的比較研究〉。《佛學與科學》第11卷第1期,頁38–48。
  20. Tse-fu Kuan (2009.11) “Rethinking Non-Self: A New Perspective from the Ekottarika-āgama.” Buddhist Studies Review, volume 26, number 2, pp. 155–175.  (A&HCI since 2013)
  21. 關則富 (2009.02) 〈佛教中的「想、受」二蘊與心理學的「認知」和「情緒」〉。《佛學與科學》第10卷第1期,頁36–42。
  22. 關則富 (2007.06)〈《念身經》略考〉。《臺灣宗教研究》第6卷第2期,頁149–174。
  23. 關則富 (2007.06) 〈從佛教對經驗世界的分析探討念身與四念處的理論基礎及一致性〉。《正觀雜誌》第41期,頁5–32。
  24. Tse-fu Kuan (2007.05) “Annotated Translation of the Chinese Version of the Kāyagatāsati Sutta.” Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies, number 8, pp. 175–194.
  25. Tse-fu Kuan (2005.06) “Clarification on Feelings in Buddhist Dhyāna/Jhāna Meditation.” Journal of Indian Philosophy, volume 33, issue 3, pp. 285–319.  (A&HCI)
  26. 關則富 Tse-fu Kuan (2005.03) “Saññā and Sati.” 《正觀雜誌》第32期,頁192–224。
  27. 關則富 (2001.11) 〈唯識思想中「末那識」的形成過程〉。《法光雜誌》第146期,第2, 4版。
  28. 關則富 Tse-fu Kuan (2001.06) “The Four Satipaṭṭhānas in Early Buddhism.《正觀雜誌》第17期,頁154–209。


  1. Tse-fu Kuan (2021.11) “What is ‘mindfulness’ in Buddhism? And does it differ from modern secular ‘mindfulness’?” Buddhism in Five Minutes, ed. Elizabeth J. Harris. Sheffield, UK and Bristol, CT, USA: Equinox Publishing, pp. 130–135.
  2. Tse-fu Kuan (2021.05) “Evolving Portrayals of Sāriputta and Moggallāna: Psychic Potency vis-à-vis Wisdom and Concentration.” Illuminating the Dharma: Buddhist Studies in Honour of Venerable Professor KL Dhammajoti, ed. Toshiichi Endo. Hong Kong: Centre of Buddhist Studies, University of Hong Kong, pp. 269–293.
  3. 關則富 (2020.07) 〈從四部阿含經談起──《金剛經》導讀〉。《自知者明──東方經典導讀》,梁家祺主編。桃園:元智大學通識教學部,頁109–120。
  4. 關則富 (2015.12) 〈神聖、理性與良心──對世界三大宗教的省思〉。《通識跨域研究的新視野》,劉阿榮、關則富主編。台北:師大書苑,頁45–67。
  5. Tse-fu Kuan (2015.09) “Mindfulness in Similes in Early Buddhist Literature.” Buddhist Foundations of Mindfulness, ed. E. Y. Shonin, W. Van Gordon and N. N. Singh. New York: Springer, pp. 267–285.
  6. Kuan Tse-fu (2013.11) An English translation of Fascicles 14–16 of the Zhong Ahanjing, included in The Madhyama Āgama (Middle-length Discourses), Volume I, ed. Marcus Bingenheimer et al., Berkeley: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, Inc., pp. 447–539.(《中阿含經》第14至16卷英譯)
  7. Tse-fu Kuan (2013.10) “Mahāyāna Elements and Mahāsāṃghika Traces in the Ekottarika-āgama.” Research on the Ekottarika-āgama (Taishō 125), ed. Dhammadinnā. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, pp. 133–194.
  8. 關則富 (2012.04) 〈早期佛教的止觀〉。《從修行到解脫:巴利佛典選集》,蔡奇林等編譯。新北市:南山佛教文化出版社,頁203–236。
  9. 關則富 (2009.11) 〈組織的溝通協調──佛教的觀點與借鏡〉。《傳統文化與經營管理硏究論文集》,張高評主編。台北:里仁書局,頁143–159。
  10. 關則富 (2009.07) 〈三國演義的多面向教學〉。《全球在地文化與經典教育》,王立文主編。桃園:元智大學通識教學部,頁193–206。


  1. 關則富 (2021.04)〈從生死大事展望佛教研究〉。第十屆台灣印度學學術研討會。台北,國立政治大學。
  2. 關則富 (2018.12)〈印度人為何輕生──略談佛典中的特殊事件〉。台灣印度學工作坊:從阿闍世王到佛教哲學,頁1–12。台北,國立政治大學。
  3. Tse-fu Kuan (2016.07) “New perspectives on Translating the Aṅguttara Nikāya.” Translating Buddhism Conference. York St John University, York, UK.
  4. 關則富 (2015.11)〈從通識課作業管窺台灣當代基督教與佛教〉。通識教育與社會文化實踐學術研討會,頁318–330。桃園市中壢區,元智大學。
  5. Tse-fu Kuan (2014.06) “Problems of Translating Sanskrit and Pali Buddhist Texts into Modern Chinese.” East-Asian Translation Studies Conference. University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK.
  6. Tse-fu Kuan (2013.07) “The Aṅguttara Nikāya and Abhidharma.” From Abhidhamma to Abhidharma: Early Buddhist Scholasticism in India, Central Asia, and China. Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
  7. Tse-fu Kuan 關則富 (2012.11) “The Chinese Ekottarika Āgama and Mahāyāna Buddhism.” 第二屆梵學與佛學研討會:經典、語言、哲學與文學 The Second Cross-Strait Conference on Sanskrit and Buddhist Studies, pp. 1–14。台北,國立政治大學。
  8. Tse-fu Kuan (2012.04) “The School Affiliation of the Chinese Ekottarika-āgama: New Evidence for the Mahāsāṃghika Hypothesis.” Workshop on the Chinese Translation of the Ekottarika-āgama: Research Perspectives and Collaboration. Dharma Drum Buddhist College, New Taipei City.
  9. Tse-fu Kuan (2011.05) “Understanding without Perceiving and Conceiving? An Investigation into Buddhist Approaches to Truth.” The Sixth Annual International Conference on Philosophy. Athens, Greece.
  10. Tse-fu Kuan (2010.12) “Enquiry into the Sectarian Affiliation of the Ekottarika Āgama in Chinese Translation.” The Fourth International Conference of Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies. Kandy, Sri Lanka.
  11. Tse-fu Kuan (2010.05) “Mindfulness and Concentration: Cognitive Operations in Buddhist Meditation.” Cultural Histories of Meditation: Practice and Interpretation in a Global Perspective, held by the University of Oslo, pp. 523–543. Jevnaker, Norway.
  12. Tse-fu Kuan (2009.07) “A Debate between the Buddha and Saccaka: A Study Based on the Pali and Chinese Sources.” UK Association for Buddhist Studies Conference 2009, pp. 1–19. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London, UK.
  13. 關則富 (2009.06)〈佛典對認知歷程的敘述──以注意力為探討重點〉。佛教與心理學研討會──跨領域對話,頁1–7。桃園縣中壢市,元智大學。
  14. 關則富 (2009.03) 〈三國演義的多面向教學〉。2009經典、倫理與身體思維研討會,頁72–78。桃園縣中壢市,元智大學。
  15. 關則富 (2008.10)〈主宰或被主宰──澄清「我」的意義〉。第二屆巴利學與佛教學術研討會,頁1–12。南華大學巴利學研究中心、宗教學研究所主辦。台北縣中和市,南山放生寺。
  16. 關則富 (2006.09)〈所言念身即非念身是名念身〉。第一屆巴利學與佛教學術研討會,頁1–20。南華大學巴利學研究中心、宗教學研究所主辦。嘉義,南華大學。