共同必修:111學年度(2022 Fall Semester and Spring Semester)




(2022 Fall Semester  and Spring Semester)

111.01.05 一一○學年度第三次教務會議通過

Passed by the 3rd Academic Affairs Meeting, Academic Year 2021, on January 05, 2022


共4學分,分國文(一)及 國文(二),於大一修畢。

This is a 4-credit course, and is divided into Chinese 1 and Chinese 2 for students to complete in the freshman year.



  1. 「英語(一)」及「英語(二)」為基礎課程,採能力分級上課,共計二學期四學分。
  2. 除了「英語(一)」及「英語(二)」外,畢業前應修畢三個不同主題式英語課程,共三學期5學分。
  3. 大一英語能力後測「TOEIC模擬測驗」成績未達350分者,應修習「應試加強班」(EL260)。修習「應試加強班」期間之期末TOEIC模擬測驗成績未達350分者,則該科成績將「不及格」,並應再次修習「應試加強班」,直到取得TOEIC模擬測驗分數達350分(含)始得修習其他主題式英語課程。
  4. 另開設「英語檢定」(EL360)計一學期1學分,「英語檢定」之修課限制與注意事項,請參照「通識外語『英語檢定』修課規定」,並由通識教學部公佈後施行。



The undergraduate students must complete 10 required credits of foreign language courses.

  1. English (I) & (II) for the total 4 credits: English (I) and (II) are 4 credit elementary courses for the freshmen who are grouped on English competence; to complete within two semesters.
  2. English thematic course for the total 5 credits: English thematic courses are 5-credit English courses; students are required to obtain 5 credits through 3 different thematic courses for graduation.
  3. Students who do not reach the 350-point threshold of TOEIC Mock Exam in the end of the freshman year must take “English Testing” (EL260) course. Students will fail the course if they do not score higher than 350 points in TOEIC Mock Exam by the end of the course, and must repeatedly take the course until they can score higher than 350 points.
  4. “English Testing” (EL360) for the total 1 credit: For the requirements of registering “English Testing”, please refer to "the Regulation for Registering English Test" announced and implemented by the College of General Education.

 Foreign students need approval by ILCC for taking 10 credits of Mandarin Chinese courses as alternative courses of English.

The undergraduate foreign students must pass Mandarin Chinese (I) and (II) before taking Mandarin Chinese (III) and (IV). Students must pass Mandarin Chinese (III) and (IV) before taking Mandarin Chinese (V) and Chinese Proficiency Test (EL372).

程式語言Fundamental Computer Programming4


Fundamental Computer Programming is a 4-credit course. For those who would like to register for “Fundamental computer programming”, he/she has to meet the college requirements.


Fifty Canonized Books



外國學生可改修「經典選讀」課程,2學分。This is a 2-credit course. The course is divided into two categories and students gain points upon completion respectively: the classic A (10 points), the classic B (5 points), Students need to gain 50 points in total to receive 2 credits in the college years. The course "Introductory Reading on Canonized Books” is an alternative for students who failed to gain the required 50 points by themselves. The 2-credit course “A Guide to Classic” is recommended for foreign students to take.

通識課程General Education Course8通識課程分為人文藝術﹑自然科學、社會科學及生命科學四大類。學生須於四大領域中各選修2學分課程,共計8學分。General Education program comprises four categories:Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science and Life Science. Students are required to take a 2-credit course from each category to get 8 credits before graduation.
通識跨域課程General Education Interdisciplinary Course2


惟外籍生與工程學院英語學士班、資訊學院英語學士班、人文社會學院英語學士班、電機通訊學院英語學士班學生仍須於四大領域中選課,依各院修課規定辦理。 Students can select the 2 credits from a General Education Lecture course, Micro Credit courses, Self-Study courses, or Local-Multicultural courses.  Only foreign students and undergraduates of International Programs in the Colleges of Engineering, Informatics, Humanities and Social Sciences, as well as Electrical and Communication Engineering are required to take a 2-credit course from the four categories according to each college’s policy before graduation.

AA-CP-04-CF01 (1.2 版)/101.11.15 修訂

▉  備註

  1. 共同科目中,除通識課程、大二英語及英語檢定外,其餘則安排隨班開課,以利教學內容的統合。
  2. 應用外語系的通識外國語文課程須依應用外語系之共同必修科目表修習。
  3. 人文社會學院英語學士學位學程的通識外國語文課程須依人文社會學院英語學士學位學程的共同必修科目表修習。
  4. 通識外語開設之主題式英語課程係依專長、興趣、語文能力等需求設計,其主題式英語課程清單請參照由國際語言文化中心課委會議審查通過的課程資料。