微課自主學習:Implementation Rules of Micro Course and Self-Directed Learning


Regulations Governing the Promotion of Micro Course

and Self-Directed Learning by College of General Studies

Adopted at the 4th College Curriculum Committee Meeting of Academic Year 2016 on 2017.05.25
Amended and Adopted at the 6th Academic Affairs Council of Academic Year 206 on 2017.06.21

▊  Article 1

The College has developed the “Yuan Ze University Regulations Governing the Promotion of Micro Course and Self-Directed Learning by College of General Studies” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) to build a student-oriented study guide, promote flexible credits and diverse study mechanism, and advocate for the self-management and study in students.”

▊  Article 2

Principles of General Studies Micro Course Implementation :

  1. The general studies micro courses usually refer to micro-flexible courses with 0.1-1 credits.
  2. The adoption by College of General Studies Curriculum Committee, University Curriculum Committee and Academic Affairs Council is required for the departments to organize micro courses and activities before recognizing the courses as general studies micro courses.
  3. The calculation of credits for general studies micro courses is based on knowledge, hands-on and visit type. Each type adopts credits up to 1 credit and is distinguished by the following calculations standards :
    • Knowledge Type: Seminar, speech, sharing meeting…etc. and other activities, with every 2 hours recognized as 0.1 credits and each session of activity can buy out up to 0.2 credits.
    • Hands-on Type: Experiment, hands-on practice, workshop...etc. and other activities, with every 2 hours recognized as 0.1 credits and each session of activity can buy out up to 0.3 credits.
    • Visit Type: Off-campus instruction, agency visit, field survey…etc. and other activities, with every 4 hours recognized as 0.2 credits and each session of activity can buy out up to 0.2 credits.
  4. To implement the compete study, students are required to take participation throughout the entire process when participating in various micro courses. Students will also need to complete assignee study sheet summary report for recognition of completing such activity.

▊  Article 3

Principles of General Studies Self-Directed Learning Implementation :

  1. The so-called self-directed learning referred in the Regulations are divided into three types according to difference in nature :
    • Course: Students shall require fundamental prerequisite knowledge when taking specific general studies basic courses or participating in the workshops organized by the college, to propose self-directed learning plan for extending the hands-on research of the course.
    • Issue: Students shall propose self-directed learning plan based on the scope of issues announced by the College or prepare their own issues.
    • Social Implementation: Students shall propose self-directed learning plan for social enterprise, social innovation, long-term social services, and care for the disadvantaged.
  2. Students shall refer to the following principles for proposing self-directed learning plans and file the application within the deadline announced by the college. The proposal shall be adopted under the review of “College of General Studies Curriculum Committee” before being recognized as “Self-Directed Learning.”
    • With explicit theme and practice focus.
    • With explicit objectives and plan feasibility evaluation.
  3. The self-directed learning plan should expound the study theme, study objectives, prerequisites, implementation method, number of participants, study field, and matters such as expected effect with enclosure of relevant information submitted to the “College of General Studies Curriculum Committee” for review and adoption prior to implementation.
  4. Students' self-directed learning should be counseled by instructors in the relevant fields to complete the study course planned. The students shall also submit the outcome report and shall only receive 1 credit after the evaluation by counselor with passing grade.

▊  Article 4

To advocate for diverse and flexible study, students shall voluntarily regulate management micro course and self-directed learning. Students having taken cumulative 2 credits in school will be recognized for 2 credits in “micro course and self-directed learning.”

▊  Article 5

The Regulations shall be adopted by the College Curriculum Committee, University Curriculum Committee and Academic Affairs Council prior to implementation. The same procedures shall apply to revision.

Enforcement Rules for the Promotion of Self-Directed Learning Process

by College of General Studies


▊  Article 1

“Yuan Ze University Enforcement Rules for the Promotion of Self-Directed Learning Process by College of General Studies” (hereinafter referred to as the Enforcement Rules” was developed to encourage and effectively promote self-directed learning in students, in accordance with the implementation of “Yuan Ze University Regulations Governing the Promotion of Micro Course and Self-Directed Learning by College of General Studies.”

▊  Article 2

Composition of members for general studies self-directed learning :

  1. To encourage individual and peer mutual learning, the members of self-directed learning shall in general consist of 5 people (inclusive) or less.
  2. Formation of intercollege teams is encouraged.

▊  Article 3

Guidelines for applying general studies self-directed learning :

  1. The self-directed learning plan should feature clear problem awareness and explicitly exhibit the definition of “self” and “study.”
  2. Each participating student should devote at least 25 hours in study. The implementation period of the plan will take more than 3 months from the date of approval.
  3. The application for self-directed learning requires the submission of “Yuan Ze University College of General Studies Self-Directed Learning Plan” with content conforming to and indicating the details in the items listed in Article 3 of “Yuan Ze University Regulations Governing the Promotion of Micro Course and Self-Directed Learning by College of General Studies.”
  4. Self-directed learning of students should include multidimensional study, including hands-on practice, experiment, survey, reading, group discussion, visit, online study, and seminars…etc.

▊  Article 4

Guidelines for General Studies Self-Directed Learning Outcome Evaluation :

  1. The self-directed learning outcome of students should be compiled into“study files,”which content includes the specific study course and study outcome while the outcome presentation can be applied with diverse modes, including: audio/video, document, exhibition, and works…etc.
  2. Refer to the following content for study files :
    • Study Course Records :
      1. Personal study record and review for each session.
      2. Records and photos discussed and shared in the group.
      3. Records and photos discussed with the counselor.
      4. Photos and audio/video records in the process of plan execution.
      5. Plan revision and execution records.
    • Study Outcome Presentation :
      1. The study outcome should exhibit the level of achievement and effectiveness of previous objectives of self-directed learning plan established.
      2. The format of presentation is unrestricted, which can be dynamic or static and should explicitly display the study outcome.
      3. Study outcome records.
  3. The counselor should asses the performance of self-directed learning according to students devotion in study and the individual outcome, which shall be recognized for 1 credit is “passed” in the assessment.

▊  Article 5

Requirement for general studies self-directed learning counselor :

  1. Background in relevant professionalism.
  2. The counselor shall review student devotion in study and study outcome according to the students’ self-directed learning plan for performance assessment.

▊  Article 6

The Enforcement Rules shall be adopted by the College of General Studies Curriculum Committee prior to implementation. The same procedures shall apply to amendment.